Empower Your Family's Well-Being!

Start The Journey with My 12-week Family Wellness Transformation Program for Vibrant Living.

Are you a family looking to embark on a holistic wellness journey?

Do you have teens in the house, and you want to foster a healthier, happier lifestyle for everyone? 

Look no further. My Family Wellness Transformation Program is designed for families like yours, where we focus not just on the teens but on the entire family's well-being.

Let’s Unlock a Vibrant Family Lifestyle Together!

My program goes beyond traditional approaches by addressing the unique dynamics of family life. I understand the challenges and opportunities that come with nurturing the health and well-being of children and teenagers while fostering a harmonious and connected family environment.

Join My 12 Week Transformational Empowerment Program for a Vibrant, Healthly & Happy Family.

Cultivate Well-Being

Transformative Empowerment for Your Whole Family Begins Here

I’m Your Advocate in Health & Happiness With Your Family

My program is not just about wellness; it's about cultivating health and connection within your family. By embracing creative healthy eating, lifestyle adjustments, and movement together, you're not only reducing the risk of diabetes and childhood/adult obesity but also creating lasting bonds that will resonate through the years.

What Sets My Program Apart:

  • Holistic Family Wellness: I take a comprehensive approach, integrating creative healthy eating, lifestyle adjustments, and movement into the fabric of your family's daily life. This is not just about one member; it's about the well-being of the entire family unit.

  • Teen-Centric Approach: While I work with teens, my program recognizes that family dynamics play a crucial role. I engage the entire family in the transformative process, ensuring everyone is motivated and committed to the journey.

  • Reducing Diabetes and Obesity Risks: My program is crafted to reduce the risk of diabetes and childhood/adult obesity by instilling healthy habits in your family's daily routine. By promoting balanced nutrition and an active lifestyle, I empower your family to thrive.

  • Boosting Self-Esteem: A healthy lifestyle positively impacts self-esteem. I provide tools and guidance to enhance not only physical well-being but also the mental and emotional resilience of your teens and the entire family.

  • Bonding Through Wellness: When the whole family is invested in wellness, a powerful bond is forged. Shared goals, activities, and celebrations create a supportive environment where everyone is in it to win it.

What’s Included

  • 1- 90-Minute Full Health History Consultation: Dive into the collective health journey of your family with a comprehensive consultation. Understand the unique needs and dynamics, and craft a personalized plan for wellness.

  • 11 Weekly 40-Minute Zoom Calls: Connect as a family and receive personalized guidance during our weekly Zoom sessions, ensuring everyone stays on track and motivated.

  • Exclusive Access to My Family Wellness Platform: Seamlessly manage your family's wellness journey through our dedicated platform. Stay organized, accountable, and focused on living better as a family.

  • Healthy Living Journal for Each Family Member: Cultivate better habits with individualized journals for each family member. Track progress, celebrate achievements, and foster a sense of shared accomplishment.

  • Customized Family Meal Plans: Enjoy the convenience of personalized meal plans designed to suit your family's collective needs, making healthy eating a joyous and satisfying experience.

  • Family Support Between Sessions: Stay connected and receive family-wide support between sessions, ensuring a united front in your wellness journey.

“If you want to live a healthier life but feel as if you are off track Rebecca is the one to see. Her calm, accepting and good humored approach will put you at ease and you will look forward to your conversations with her. Rebecca answers her messages promptly and is easy contact. She’s great!”

- Anonymous

Your Familes Health & Happiness

Say goodbye to fragmented approaches to family wellness and hello to a united and thriving family lifestyle.

Take the first step towards transforming your family's health and fostering a sense of well-being, connection, and vitality.

Don't let another day go by without investing in your family's health.

Embrace the transformative power of collective wellness and embark on the journey to a healthier, happier, and more connected family today!